Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fingerprints {Adoption Home Study}

It’s that time of year again. How did that happen? How did we make it another whole year already? When is it going to be our turn to add to our family?  We are in the process of updating our adoption home study (AGAIN), which includes tons of paperwork, fingerprints, more $$$, etc. When I let myself think about it, it just feels so unfair that we have to go through all of this to become parents, when others can just “make it happen”, sometimes even when they are not ready or interested in becoming parents. 

Today we made our annual trip to the next county over to have our fingerprints done.  We never use our own county because the wait is always ridiculous to get in, so we just took an hour, drove over, and got it done.  It's really hard to not feel like a criminal when you are in the Sheriff's office...

Fingerprints for Adoption
Fingerprints for Adoption
Last year I was lucky, and they did my fingerprints with their digital system – it was much cleaner than using the ink. This year, it was back to the ink…

If I think positively, I know that we are going through all of this because we are making a very purposeful choice to add another child to our family, and our children will always know that we worked hard and really wanted to become parents.

As we work our way through the mound of paperwork that needs completed and write out a few more checks, we also get to schedule our annual visit to meet with the social worker at our adoption office.  Ready or not, the process awaits us and must be completed before March 1st.  Here we go…


  1. Is that Dodge County by chance? We went there for our fingerprints, too! (And then on to St. Paul for the really expensive ones for immigration that we had to do 3 times!). You are in my heart. The paperwork part isn't fun...but so worth it in the end!

  2. Sure is! All of this paperwork is such a chore, but you are right - totally worth it in the end! Thanks Jess :)

  3. So sorry you both have to go through this again:( Praying this will be your YEAR!! With God, anything is possible!
